Health Core Group
The health core group aims at developing the health programme and empowering communities in all governorates through forming community health groups that aim at raising awareness on health issues, detecting health problems and finding solutions to health problems and contributing factors. The health core group at the HQ level was founded in March 2022, and consists of five doctors, including two specialists and three residents in different specializations with experience in the humanitarian field.
The group meets twice per month in order to discuss needs and proposed solutions related to community health issues. Furthermore, works has been done on data collections, activating social media coverage, producing a health library, and planning for tailored interventions based on needs.
Health CLIs
The Community-led Initiatives support solutions coming from the communities to respond to their needs.
The program is implemented through volunteers and targets initiatives of self-managed groups of affected populations that are developing solidarity and ad hoc self-support solutions to meet their own specific needs.
Through the health Community-led Initiatives, the communities are empowered to solve their health problems and work together.
Health Community-based Organizations
Theis is part of the CBO program, which is designed on the basis of providing support at several levels: financial, technical, and institutional.
The program includes providing the necessary trainings for LNGOs to qualify them to present their project ideas that meet the needs based on the needs of society while achieving the idea of sustainability for the project.